P-04-539 Save Cardiff Coal Exchange: Correspondence from the Petitioner to the Clerking Team. 05.11.15


One very initial observation I would like to make in relation to the recent comments from Edwina Hart is her reference to the involvement of Cadw.

It would be useful to understand who the person or persons at Cadw are who have been ‘involved’, as there does not appear to have been any substantial involvement from Cadw.




P-04-539 Save Cardiff Coal Exchange: Correspondence from the Petitioner to the Clerking Team. 16.11.15


Many thanks.  I confirm that Val Hill had shared her document with me and I was happy with the content.

Many thanks.  I confirm that Val Hill had shared her document with me and I was happy with the content.

I would like to add that the matter of the use of section 78 powers is still being perpetuated by Cardiff Council, despite the fact that freedom of information releases has shown that there was an underlying plan by Cardiff Council to redevelop significant areas of the site for new-build multi-storey residential  use. 

The use of statutory powers in this way by Cardiff Council and the associated problems and obstruction to the protection of this nationally important building that this has created has always been at the heart of my petition and its aim of seeking a public enquiry.

It is very welcome that there may be a future use for the building, but this still seems to be progressing in a way that lacks transparency by Cardiff Council using procurement methods which are unclear.  All of which should be properly explored in a public enquiry.

The fact that Cardiff Council continue to believe that they have a claim over the building in relation to ‘section 78 works’ remains a significant concern.” 

